I am nothing without my Sunday routine at home. I’ve always been quite habitual, but since the start of the pandemic, my morning and weekly rituals have become truly integral to my wellbeing and overall productivity. Because of this, I have become fiercely protective of my Sundays… to the point that even Jon knows not to put too much on the agenda for the final day of the weekend. Below are some of the practices that have made my Sunday routine at home my most sacred practice.

Sunday Scrubdown
Sunday is the day I do a short, but intense cardio or dance class, or else a long power pilates session. After that, I use my shower time as an opportunity to scrub the entire last week off and start afresh – literally! I begin with dry brushing, followed by a scalp scrub, exfoliating facial scrub, and an oil-based body scrub. I leave the shower soft & shedded, and then layer the thickest moisturizer I can get my hands on – usually this one.

Formula 1, Baby
There’s not much that I love more in this world than race day. I am utterly obsessed with F1 and the fun traditions that Jon and I have built together on race weekend. From extra-special coffee beans, to pancake breakfasts and “fort days” bringing our duvet and array of pillows onto the couch, we turn each race during the season into a grand event that I always look forward to.

Spiritual Check-In
While I don’t speak about it all that often, I am a very religious and deeply spiritual person. My faith has always been a part of my life, and though I haven’t yet found a church locally that I want to attend, there is something about Sunday morning that will forever be reserved for service. I try to spend a little bit of extra time on Sundays in prayer and meditation, and this is something I want to increase in my life, especially during these difficult final (fingers crossed) months of the pandemic.

Stay Home, Stay Safe
I’ve always been a bit of a homebody by nature, but the past year has only further cemented these tendencies. I am NOT a Sunday brunch girl. Sundays are for staying home, getting centred and organized for the week ahead, and practicing ALL the self-care in advance of the week ahead. Much to Jon’s chagrin, I am adamant about staying home at all costs on Sundays. I’m telling you guys, we get weirder as we get older. This is the first eccentricity I’ve noticed about myself and I don’t feel even a little bit badly about it.

Face the Sunday Scaries Head On
Though I do not work on Sunday, I still try to do everything in my power to make the week ahead less daunting. From meal prepping my lunches, reviewing the weather and planning my outfits accordingly, and laying out my yoga mat, workout clothes, books, coffee maker and all the accoutrements that make Monday morning easy, I try to do as much prep in advance so the week starts with ease. I try not to check my work email, but I do review my calendar – with meetings both in-office and virtual and photoshoots at all kinds of locations throughout the week, planning exactly where I need to be – and when – puts my mind at ease before the week even begins.
Do One Hard Thing
Every day, I try to challenge myself to do things that make me uncomfortable, but even on Sunday, I try to do One Hard Thing. Maybe it’s as simple as cleaning out a closet I’ve been neglecting, or maybe it’s sitting down to finally address an area I’ve been letting myself down and create a game plan to change the course of things. I think it’s really important to reserve space for ourselves to sit in a bit of discomfort. It’s amazing how much we can grow from it.

So Tell Me…
What does Sunday mean to you? Is Sunday for self-care? For church? For boozy brunch? I’d love to know what this day means to you.

Photographed by Liza Litvinovich