When I created my last Loungewear Edit, I truly believed at that point that one would be enough to get us through what I then-believed would be a short period of Quarantine. Now, here we are… two months later, and still relying on tie dye loungewear to keep us comfortable and prevent us from losing our minds.
In this new edition, I tried to go in a *slightly* more neutral direction, favouring pieces that won’t necessarily feel stuck in time, tied to memories of self-isolation. I’m looking at lots of neutrals that feel appropriate for actually leaving the house occasionally during Stage 1 and 2 of reopening our cities. I’ve also pulled in a little bit more activewear this time – because I’ve learned that looking cute is the first step to actually getting moving. And with summer and an end to isolation looking like they may arrive at the same time, we might be needing to get those summer bodies in order, after all. And of course, there’s still endless tie dye options, because who am I if not someone who dresses for the mood I want, rather than the mood I have.