Putting on anything besides sweatpants feels like a pretty grand occasion these days. At the start of lockdown, I was very into the #DressUpFriday and #DressUpToCheerUp challenges, but they’ve since curtailed off to Friday being the day I wear my “good” sweatpants. With the end of the stay-at-home order in sight, should we make a collective effort to start weaning ourselves out of loungewear and back into clothes with zippers and buttons?
Maybe next week.

I can’t wait to be able to entertain again. I’m not much of a hostess – coming for brunch at my place usually just means you’ll get served delicious fresh pastries I picked up at Blackbird Baking Co. or somewhere similar, with two teacups – one filled with coffee, and the other with champagne.

Photographed by Liza Litvinovich